Is a Metal Roof Cheaper Than a Shingle Roof?

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Posted on February 12, 2024

Is a Metal Roof Cheaper Than a Shingle Roof?

Deciding on the right roofing material for your home is a big deal. Many homeowners face a tough choice between the timeless appeal of asphalt shingles and the rising popularity of metal roofs in Orlando, FL. Along the way, one common question arises: Is a metal roof more cost-effective than shingles?

In this article, we'll explore the cost factors associated with these two roofing options, helping you make an informed decision for your home.

Understanding the Cost Factors

Before we compare costs, it's essential to understand what influences the overall price of a roofing project. These factors include the size of the roof, the chosen material, the complexity of installation, and any additional accessories needed. By considering these factors, you can get an accurate estimate for your project's cost.

Cost Comparison: Metal Roof vs. Shingles

In terms of upfront costs, asphalt shingles are generally more budget-friendly. Installing shingles typically ranges from $4 to $22 per square foot, including labor. The exact price varies based on the type of shingle used, with traditional 3-tab shingles being cheaper than composite or luxury ones.

On the other hand, metal roofing materials cost between $1 and $25 per square foot, with labor expenses ranging from $2 to $14 per square foot. Like shingles, the material chosen impacts the total cost, with copper roofs being more expensive than aluminum or steel ones.

Factors Affecting the Overall Cost

Several factors contribute to the price difference between metal and shingle roofs:

1. Durability and Lifespan: Metal roofs tend to outlast asphalt shingles, lasting 50 to 70 years or more compared to shingles, which may need replacement every 15 to 20 years in Florida.

2. Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs are more energy-efficient, reflecting heat and keeping homes cooler, potentially reducing energy bills. In contrast, asphalt shingles absorb and retain heat, leading to higher cooling costs.

3. Maintenance and Repairs: Metal roofs typically require less maintenance but can be more expensive to repair. Periodic painting or coating may be needed to maintain appearance.

4. Resale Value: Metal roofs enhance a home's resale value due to their durability and aesthetic appeal.

Choosing the Right Roofing Material

When deciding between a metal roof and shingles, consider your budget, long-term plans for your home, and personal preferences. If immediate budget concerns are paramount, especially if you plan to sell soon, asphalt shingles may be the better choice. However, if long-term savings and durability are priorities, a metal roof might be superior.


So, is a metal roof cheaper than shingles? The answer depends on your specific needs. If you want an affordable option with a classic look and durability, shingles could be an excellent fit. On the other hand, if you prefer a long-lasting solution with energy efficiency and a modern appearance, a metal roof might be ideal.

At Honest Abe Roofing Orlando, we understand that every home is unique. Our team is here to help you make an informed choice that fits your preferences and needs. Whether you choose shingles or opt for the benefits of a metal roof, we're here to provide the expertise and quality service you need. Contact us today at 407-887-7663; we'll find the perfect roofing solution for your home.

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